How do I add smart contracts I want to monitor?

Use smart contract event emissions and function calls to trigger alerts and other automated workflows by

  1. Adding smart contracts to Dispatch, and
  2. Creating Patches to listen for specific activity in those contracts

You can add both verified and unverified smart contracts to Dispatch.

See the list of networks we currently support here.

If you're adding an unverified smart contract, please make sure to have the contract ABI in JSON format handy.

Adding smart contracts to Dispatch

  1. Navigate to the Contracts page.
  2. Click the "Add contract" button:

Clicking the

Adding verified contracts

In the modal, add the following:

  • Network: the network that the smart contract is on
  • Contract address: the address of the smart contract you want alerts/automations from
  • Contract nickname: an easy-to-remember, descriptive name for the contract that will distinguish it from other contracts you might add later

Then click the "Add contract" button.

Your contract is now added to Dispatch, and ready to be used in a Patch.

Adding unverified contracts

If the contract you want to monitor is unverified, there are a few extra steps. Namely, you'll need to provide the contract ABI in JSON format.

How to add an unverified contract to Dispatch so you can get alerts from it

Proxy contracts

If the contract you're adding is a proxy, Dispatch provides the option to add the associated implementation contract at the same time, so you can monitor activity in both the proxy and implementation contracts.

If either the proxy or implementation contract is unverified, you'll need to provide the contract ABIs.

Once you add a contract, you should see it in the top row of the table in Contracts Overview.

Dispatch does not auto-update monitoring of new implementation contracts when proxy contracts are updated with new implementation contract addresses.

Check out the tutorial:

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