How do I find the address of a smart contract I want to monitor?

To create smart-contract-driven alerts or automations, you'll need to know the contract's address.

Here are a few ways to find the address of a smart contract you want to monitor:

  1. Contract documentation: If you're monitoring a well-known or widely-used smart contract, the contract address may be available in the project's official documentation, website, or GitHub repository.
  2. Blockchain explorers: You can use blockchain explorers like Etherscan (for Ethereum), PolygonScan (for Polygon), or Arbiscan (for Arbitrum) to search for the smart contract.

    If you know the name of the contract or the project it's associated with, you can search for it by name on the explorer. Use caution with this approach, as there are scam contracts out there using names of popular contracts.

  3. Ask the community: If you're having trouble finding the contract address, consider asking for help in the project's community channels on Discord, Telegram, or forums.

    Community members or the project team may be able to provide you with the contract address.

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