How do I delete smart contracts?

You can delete any smart contracts you've added to Dispatch at any time.

Deleting smart contracts from Dispatch will also delete the Patches that are using those smart contracts.

Caution: When deleting smart contracts from Dispatch, you'll also delete any Patches using those contracts, whether those Patches are active or not.

Patch deletion is permanent. You won't be able to recover Patches associated with deleted smart contracts after those Patches are deleted, so make sure to carefully review any Patches that will be affected by the contract deletion.

Steps to delete a smart contract

  1. From the Contracts page, find the contract you wish to delete.
  2. At the right end of the row for the selected contract, click on the ••• button and select the "Delete" option.
  3. Press the "Delete" button.

Esprezzo Dispatch Smart Contracts page - where you can add, delete, or rename contracts used for alerts and automation

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