What counts toward my plan limits?


An Action counts toward your plan limit every time Dispatch successfully delivers data or automatically completes an action in response to your Trigger conditions being met.

For example, if your Patch’s Action is to post in a Discord server channel when a smart contract emits a certain event, each message Dispatch posts in your channel counts as one Action.

Monthly Action limits, by plan:

  • Free: 100 Actions
  • Starter: 250 Actions
  • Pro: 2,500 Actions

Other than Actions, your plan also determines how much event history you can view.

The Free plan allows you to view the last 7 days of Patch activity. If you want to be able to view smart contract and wallet activity for longer periods of time (more historical activity), the Starter or Pro plans might be better options for you.

Event history, by plan:

  • Free: Last 7 days
  • Starter: 30 days
  • Pro: 1 year

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