What is an Action?

An Action is what happens (what Dispatch does) when your Trigger conditions are met; it's the second half of a Patch.

Examples of Dispatch Patch Actions: Send on-chain data to a webhook, Discord server, or Telegram

Once you've set up at least one Patch to listen for on-chain activity, Dispatch will automatically take your desired Action when it detects activity matching your Trigger requirements.

Some examples of Actions:

  • Send an email
  • Send a Telegram message
  • Post in a Discord server channel
  • Send a JSON payload to a webhook URL
  • Log events to Dispatch Monitor

Actions count toward your plan limit every time Dispatch successfully delivers data or automatically completes an action in response to your Trigger conditions being met. 

For example, if your Patch’s Action is to post in a Discord server channel when a smart contract emits a certain event, each message Dispatch sends counts as one Action.

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