How do I see what happened with my Patches?

While Patches drive alerts and automations triggered by on-chain activity as it happens, Dispatch makes it easy for you to see the historical activity of the wallets and contracts from your Patches.

Note that the amount of history you can view is determined by your plan:

  • Free: Last 7 days
  • Starter: Last 30 days
  • Pro: Last 365 days (1 year)

There are several ways to view historical on-chain activity from your Patches:

Patch History

The Patch History page shows a detailed record of all the events and actions triggered by your Patches.

To access Patch History:

  1. Log in to your Dispatch account and navigate to the "Patches" tab in the main menu.
  2. Once you click “Patches”, you'll see a dropdown menu. Select "History".
  3. On the Patch History page, you'll see a table where each row represent an Action firing. In other words, each time Dispatch detected on-chain activity matching one of your Patch Triggers.
  4. Click on any row to see more details about a specific event.

Contracts History

If you're monitoring smart contracts that you've added to Dispatch, you can also view historical activity of those contracts in your Contracts History.

To access Contracts History:

  1. Press the "Contracts" tab in the main header navigation
  2. On the Contracts page, you'll see two tabs: "Overview" and "History". By default, you'll be on the "Overview" tab, which displays a list of all the smart contracts you've added to Dispatch. 
  3. To view the history of your monitored contracts, click on the "History" tab. The History table displays all events and/or functions of smart contracts you've added to Dispatch, with the most recent activities at the top.

Each row in the Contracts History table represents an Action firing; each time Dispatch detected an event emission or function call matching one of your Patch Triggers.

Click on any row to see more details about the specific event emission or function call.

Dispatch Monitor

Dispatch Monitor is where you'll see activity of any Patches where you selected "Dispatch Monitor" as the Action; it's designed for those of you who want to see a custom log of on-chain activity without leaving Dispatch.

To access Dispatch Monitor:

  1. Log in to your Dispatch account and click on the "Monitor" tab in the main menu. This will take you directly to the Dispatch Monitor page.
  2. Here you'll see a table where each row represents an Action firing; each time Dispatch detected on-chain activity matching one of your Patch triggers, where the "Action" was Dispatch Monitor.
  3. To view more details about a specific event, click any row in the table. 

Focus on activity from specific Patches, networks, tokens, or Triggers, by using the search box or filters on Patches History, Contract History, and Dispatch Monitor.

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